Google Analytics

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Social Media Strategy

For my photo and video business, I would implement a blog, YouTube, Instagram and Facebook. The blog would be the main source of content and utilize the other 3 tools to direct fans back to the blog.

This strategy would consist of weekly postings to both Instagram and Facebook. These would give clients or future customers "snapshots" of what the business is currently working on. A link to the blog site would give them detailed information of the project. The YouTube site would be used to showcase completed projects.

A detailed examination of analytics is necessary to see how users are engaging with the postings and to see what the click-through-rate is back to the blog. Another way to test out our strategy is to simply check how many new and returning customers the business is attracting by asking "How did they hear about us?"

All this strategy and organization would be done by hired help. They would focus on the administrative/social media while I can focus on the client project side.


Month 1: - Purchase Domain Name
               - Create Social Media accounts
               - Develop budget for Social Media (Employee, hosting, domain)
               - Create content to web space

Month 2: - Hire employee to oversee business Social Media and administration
               - Develop web space and branding
               - Weekly posting of current and past projects

Month 3: - Weekly posting of current projects
               - Begin to examine the opportunities for promotion
               - Set goal to gaining two new clients per month

Month 4 - Promotion "Refer-A-Friend"taking place on Facebook
              - One to two project postings per month on YouTube
              - Research possible ads on blog site to generate additional income
              - Continual weekly postings of current projects

Month 5: - Begin advertising on websites and allowing ads on blog site
                - Weekly postings

Month 6: - Begin Promotion for returned customers
                - Weekly postings

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Comment Posts on blogs


I would send out a newsletter once a month for my business. I would highlight the new trends in the photography and video industry, which would also cover new products. Another section would showcase the latest projects that we're working on. It would highlight to future customers what our business is capable of producing. Lastly, we would have a section that would showcase what we're currently involved in when we're not behind the camera. This would be family life, community involvement, trips and activities. 

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Now you're getting personal...

How personal can you be on your blog? I think if you have a individual blog, get as personal as you want. But a business blog need to carry a level of seriousness and sophistication to it. You want your customers and future customers know that you care and take serious the product that you are selling. I believe customer confidence in your brand or product is important to having repeat sales.

As strongly as I feel about the level of seriousness, I do feel that there needs to be a level of personal interaction. A sense of knowing that the business just doesn't want my money but that I am satisfied with the product and/or service as well. I know this is easier said than done, especially with larger businesses and companies. Now I'm asking myself, "why can't it be done?"

I guess i'm beginning to realize that businesses need to show their personal side to their customers. Not everything is about sales and pushing product. The "human side" of business needs to show its "face" and let it's customers know that they are important. Business does not happen without them.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Similar Business social media

With my business dealing with videography and graphic design, social media networking very helpful in displaying your work. The two sites that I visited were very social media friendly. Both sites used Vimeo , Twitter and Facebook to be in contact with and/or display their work. It's interesting to see that their respected websites showcased their work but on their social media sites, they displayed more of their work. It made me think that their is no one way to reach your teaches audience. A business must be open to all avenues for future clients to reach them. In this line of business, it does not hurt to display your work to as many people as possible.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Best Visual Network sites for Business

Based on my start up service which deals with the visual arts, any one of these four visual Social Media networks would be helpful in my service.

YouTube would be awesome if my service solely dealt with video production. But unfortunately my service also provides Graphic Design elements and sometimes video is limited to specific video sizes and therefore difficult to view a graphic design piece in it's full high quality.

Instagram is a fantastic service which is able to showcase both images and video. The only issue that I have with the service is that you are limited by a square frame. The video work that we offer is always presented in a widescreen format. The viewer would be unable to capture the entire "feel" of the video.

Pinterest offers a great a way for content to joined together with similar content. It seems that Pinterest is a wonderful community that users can share similar interests and likes. Hopefully these communities can benefit by learning from each other and helping each other grow and develop. But is this the best option for by start up service? It's close, but not quite.

Tumbr has one little feature that makes it the best visual network for our service: the ability to write posts. Sure, on the other visual networks you can post a video of yourself discussing your topic but there is something to be said about good journalism. Yes, a picture can say a 1000 words, but a 1000 words can take a person beyond a single image. We want people to be inspired by our work and our words.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Facebook Page: The Iris Picture - "Following Other Businesses"

As a creative service to others, my inspiration comes various area such as digital and physical print, photographs, and motion pictures. I chose to follow others as another source of inspiration. It also great to have someone else from the creative field to ask questions and bounce ideas off each other. Inspiration cannot be limited to my own head. Fresh ideas grow my as an artist and hopefully result in higher quality work!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

The difference between Facebook "post reach" and "post engagement"

Facebook post reach refers to the number of people that have "seen" (loaded and shown on your News Feed) a post publication. Now, there are different types of post reach:


  1. Organic Reach – This is the number of [unique] people who saw* your post in their News Feed, Ticker, or on your Page.  This is the most common way Page posts reach Facebook users.
  2. Viral Reach – This is the number of [unique] people who saw* your post in a story from a friend.  For example, a story in your Newsfeed that says, “Bob shared Starbuck’s photo” would mean that you are being virally reached by Starbuck’s photo post.
  3. Paid Reach – This is the number of [unique] people who saw* your post in an ad or sponsored story.  Any post you see with the ‘Sponsored’ label at the bottom or in the right-hand column falls into this category.
  4. Total Reach – This is the number of [unique] people who saw* your post.  This is a bit trickier than just adding up the previous three because it’s the number of unique people.  Keep in mind that someone could be reached organically, virally, and through ads, but would only count as 1 toward total reach.
Post Reach is a great way to observe what posts are being viewed and which ones are not as much.

Facebook Post Engagement is defined by the number of actions (likes, shares, clicks or comments) by Facebook users when they view a post.

It good to know and understand these terms so you can have a grasp on how you are engaging with your audience. Are you posting content for the sake of posting or are you having a conversation with your customers? Is the content of your post quality content that the audience wants to interact with?  These are great questions to ask yourself in dealing with Facebook Insights with help your business.

Sunday, September 22, 2013 + +

As a creative designer for my job, I am constantly looking for new inspiration. I have to keep on track for the latest design trends. These two sites help do my job effectively.

Both sites post new material daily, which keep their sites looking up to date and fresh. has very little text and is very image heavy, which makes it simple and modern. As a visual person, the site keeps my interest and keeps me scrolling for more. deals with fonts, fonts and more fonts. You are able to view your specific wording in any font you wish. It's my number one font search because the layout of the categories make it simple to find fonts to fit the look you are trying to achieve. New fonts are posted daily which allow me to view what is current or popular.

There's nothing I would change visually on both these sites.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Web sites with the potential for problems

Problems with this site is the amount of text at the forefront of the site, the one long, continuous page and the lack of navigation on the site.
I understand that it is a written article but the amount of text is the first thing that catches my eye and makes me not want to read the article. A great solution to this would have been to begin with an eye-catching graphic or video and continue to break up the article with infographics.
The site does offer good illustrations/videos but the visitor would not discover them until they scroll down on the page. Once again, break up the long, continuous page into different web pages would be very helping in reading the article.
There is navigation on the left side of the site but it seems there for the sake of having navigation. It would seem that this site would best be served by placing the navigation (section links) toward the top of the site and placing the sections of the article accordingly.

The first potential problem with the site is that it is in need of a much needed facelift. The layout is a very dated one which would possibly tell the customer that "our web presence is not that important" which could possibly lead to a loss of sale.
Next, the different sizes of typography is very confusing. There is no clear headliner for the customer to go to. There are headlines everyone and space that is being filled with non-vital information. I would change "Company History" and information with a slide show of featured products.
Finally, the site is very busy. Words and links everywhere you look. Where does the visitor go? It's so confusing that it might cause the visitor to leave the site altogether. I would make the site with a minimal look, focusing on the images of the products.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Social Media platforms

In my experience with Social Media, it seems at the top of the list for personal use would be Facebook, then maybe Twitter or Instagram. Google+ is making strong attempts to be more personal with the use of Hangouts (video chat).

For business use, I would say LinkedIn has a strong following for professionals. I have notice that more businesses are using Facebook to get their name out there to the masses.

What's this?

The template that I chose was based on photography. I enjoy experimenting with different angles when I take photos. My background for this blog is one those experiments.

Our church has a coffee bar and I help oversee it. The girls who work in it, love taking pictures of themselves and I happened to catch them at the right moment. (That's me with the camera!)

I thought that this photo would be perfect for our class blog. I'm pretty confident that girls posted the picture to Facebook or Instagram.
